Watch the Webinar now!

Zoom Phone

Simplify Business Communications

Learn how Zoom's dynamic communications platform in the cloud can take care of more than just your video communication needs.

Meet your presenters:


Stuart Drummond

UCaaS Expert (First Focus)

Stuart offers over two decades of experience working in the unified communications industry. Starting with phone systems and moving into more complex solutions, Stuart has the expertise to help people choose and use technology effectively. Experienced in a vast range of tech providers across UCaaS, Connect IP, SIP Connect, TIPTS, IPWAN, IPMAN, Wireless Networks and more, Stuart is ready to help you get the most from your UCaaS journey.
Chad Hardaker Work Pic1

Chad Hardaker

Zoom Product Specialist (APAC)

Chad has over 18 years of experience in UCaaS collaboration and contact centre solutions. Specialising in product, services, and industry knowledge, Chad possesses a unique mix of technical know-how and business acumen that lets him help stakeholders uncover what successful communications look like.

Join us for a special deep-dive into UCaaS and Zoom Phone

Uncover the common communication challenges faced by modern businesses, how they can impact your organisation, and why a UCaaS platform that's built-for-purpose - like Zoom - can help you add more value to your conversations.

After watching this webinar, you’ll be able to:


Identify the communications challenges facing your business.


Explain how cloud UCaaS solutions can overcome these barriers.


Understand how Zoom Phone complements Zoom's meetings capabilities.


Determine if Zoom Phone needs further investigation and likely next steps.

Get the answers you need on UCaaS and Zoom

Zoom Webinar

Together we’ll discover how you can embed this omnichannel, video-optimised platform in your organisation, replacing multiple solutions with a single platform that’s built for scale.

Why Zoom Phone?

Watch the on-demand webinar now!

The webinar also answers some of the most commonly asked questions around Zoom Phone.

Watch now